Pedi STAT evolved from the recognition that the risk for medical errors in emergent pediatric conditions was extremely high. Administering medications in this setting requires the provider to have an accurate assessment of patient weight, recall the dosing guidelines, then perform the math in order to calculate the correct dose. In 2009, the first edition of Pedi STAT was developed, allowing the use of a mobile platform to rapidly and correctly calculate these doses, ultimately providing a safer environment for the medical care of children.
Pedi STAT is the primary version of our app and the most frequently utilized. The app is readily available for download on the Apple App Store as well as Google Play. Users have the ability to rapidly calculate pediatric medication dosages and equipment sizes safely and accurately. To further minimize the risk of medical error, medications are displayed in calculated doses as well as the volume of medication to be administered. Additional content includes burn size estimation, fluid resuscitation rates, toxicology guidelines, and management of respiratory illnesses.
Pedi STAT EMS is modified version of the parent app, Pedi STAT, and is tailored to the unique needs for providers in the out-of-hospital environment, including paramedics, EMTs, Firefighters, and Air Medical Providers. The app includes content that has been condensed for easy accessibility and quick reference. This version is unique as it now includes an in-app measuring feature to eliminate the need for providers to be dependent on additional aids like the Broselow or Pediatape. We also soon will have the ability for the app to be customized to individual EMS Agencies, and only reflect the medications, dosages, and concentrations provided by their specific protocols.
Ultimate version with a subscription based service coming soon!

“It has been estimated that 7.5 million preventable medication errors could occur with pediatric patients in the United States each year. Other studies estimated that 14–31% of pediatric medication errors could result in harm or death.
Medications delivered in the prehospital care of children were frequently administered outside of the proper dose range when compared with patient weights recorded in the prehospital medical record. EMS systems should develop strategies to reduce pediatric medication dosing errors.”
So that’s exactly what we did.
Hoyle JD, Davis AT, Putman KK, Trytko JA, Fales WD. Medication dosing errors in pediatric patients treated by emergency medical services. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012 Jan-Mar;16(1):59-66. doi: 10.3109/10903127.2011.614043. Epub 2011 Oct 14. PMID: 21999707.